Doesn’t my camera record sound anyway?
Sound is a part of any presentation which is often overlooked. One of the most powerful ways to enhance your message is to get crystal clear sound with your images. Think how much money Hollywood spends re-recording all the sound for their films, including re-recording dialogue in a studio(dubbing), they think it is money well spent and they’ve been doing it for years. Using a separate microphone to the one inbuilt in your camera or phone will make your filming far more professional, with little effort. If you really have to use your on board mic make sure you get very close to the subject, not always comfortable for them! All of the following apply ten fold if you are using the on board mic. Here are some other things to consider.

Choose a good location
Research it first! Ideally visit at the same time of day you plan to record and make a test recording. There is nothing worse than finding out your planned shoot is under the main flight path for an airport!

Background noise
There is very little background noise which isn’t distracting for the viewer. If you have to have it then make it part of the film, if there is a racetrack nearby, get a shot of it and even refer to it in the interview/establishing shots. By including it you can keep the audience focussed and stop them wondering, “what is that noise?”
Isolating your subject
If at all possible, get your subject somewhere quiet; a studio is ideal, (most Hollywood sound, including dialogue, is re-recorded in a sound studio and the original taken off). If you can’t find a studio, find a quiet room, ideally one with carpets and soft furnishings. Turn off fridges and clocks and don't forget to turn them back on after! Your interview should, however, be held in a suitable location. Sometimes a quiet front room will be right, but when interviewing a farmer about farming methods, a field or barn is best!
Next week mic positioning and handling.